DL Home & Office Renovations

Building Tips & Advice

Sustainable Landscaping – What do you Need to Think About?

Sustainable landscaping

When it comes to sustainable landscape design, there are three main things that you should think about – reducing energy use, reducing water consumption, and preventing the introduction of harmful chemicals into the environment. While many people choose to use experienced landscape designers to help them develop a sustainable garden and outdoor living space, there is no reason why you can’t do it yourself.

Keep in mind that you will need to dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to your garden design if you decide to do it yourself, but you will definitely find it rewarding and worth it if you enjoy spending time outside. The following guidelines should help you develop the perfect sustainable yard:

Reduce your water consumption:

Although it may seem difficult at first, it is actually extremely simple to reduce your garden’s water consumption. Just because you don’t want to water it anymore doesn’t mean that your garden has to be dead and dry looking – in fact, with a few informed choices, just the opposite is true.

The first thing that you should do is choose plants that are suited to your environment. As most of Australia is hot and dry, most of these will be native plants of some description. Things like eucalypts and bottlebrushes are very popular in home gardens and should definitely be at the top of your list.

At the same time, you want to eliminate any practices which waste water. This includes things like sprinklers that aren’t well positioned, and water features that encourage evaporation, and the watering of large lawns. If you find yourself wasting a lot of water on your lawn, then you have two options – you can either replace it with a synthetic lawn, or you can water it using greywater from your washing machine or shower.


Never Put these Things Down your Drain


It’s amazing what people will throw down their toilet. Ask any plumber for some great stories. Many people don’t seem to really care about where everything goes – if it goes. We all know that there is a mess of pipes below the seat, and then it’s a bit of a blur as to where all the pipes take the stuff. Probably a treatment plant somewhere, right? But once you press the button on the toilet or pull the plug in the sink, for us the problem is gone.

Just washing the car or spraying the garden for bugs can impact our environment as harmful chemicals get washed down into stormwater drains.

The summer season is the time when we like to be outdoors doing a few odd jobs, and it’s when a person should be paying attention to what you is really going down your drains.

The following list is not comprehensive, but there are a few items that you should avoid allowing into your sinks, toilets and drains.


Using garden fertiliser is okay as it will be integrated into the soil and assisting plant growth. The fertiliser we are talking about is the old stuff you might have in your shed and you want to toss it. Don’t dump it into the drain system and ultimately into the waterways.


Choosing Your Fence

Choosing Your Fence

When choosing a fence, a lot will depend on what you want that fence to do for you. Fences can be built for privacy, security, decoration, safety, boundary marker and a fence to contain kids and pets.

Once you have made up your mind, then selection gets a little easier.

Privacy – tall, no gaps, durable and cost effective. You will find that a timber fence covers all those requirements fairly well. Look for a panel fence, easy to install and not too hard on the pocket, and decide on the height.

Security – height, structural strength and suitable material. Perhaps a mesh fence mounted on steel posts at heights of 2 metres to 3 metres will do the job.

These types of fences are okay for a business but don’t look so good around your home, giving it the look of a prison. If you are really into keeping your home secure, then a very tall timber fence that hides your property and prevents intruders from climbing it might be the solution. Another solution is brick pillars with a lower brick wall between, and then steel or aluminium posts or spears to a height of over two metres that look good as well as being a deterrent for would be thieves or intruders.


Materials Used in the Carpet Cleaning Process

Carpet Cleaning

The general carpet cleaning process can be extensive. It involves a variety of materials that help a carpet to look its best without weakening its fibres. So before you can clean the carpet, it’s a good idea to look at those things that will be used in the process.

It is clear that water is used in the carpet cleaning process, since it is the base for any cleaning solution. Many professional cleaners have equipment that uses water as it’s cleaning base, but it’s important not to saturate the carpets, because it takes too long to dry and mould can develop. This is one thing to watch for when doing your carpets at home.

The temperature of the water is important as well. The water needs to be warm enough to dissolve the dirt in carpet fibres. It should not be too hot or else it might shrink some types of carpets, such as wool.

The amount of pressure being used in the carpet cleaning process must be checked properly. As professionals, like Commercial Cleaning Perth, know – Pressure is important as it ensures that the carpets being cleaned are treated without too much stress being added. Water weakens the fibres and if too much pressure is applied, it can damage them. At the same time, it’s important that enough pressure is applied to get the job done properly.

The pressure generated by a cleaner will cause the water and other compounds being used to move through the carpets quite well, taking out the accumulated dirt, but enough pressure must be applied to ensure that the carpet fibres are not going to suffer from more stress than needed. This is especially critical for finer carpets where some fibres might be at risk of wearing out or breaking apart.

Some chemicals may be used including some bleach or detergent materials.  Try and make sure organic detergents are used in cleaning your carpets. That way there will be no toxic fumes as the carpet dries and when the dirty water is disposed of, it won’t poison the waterways.

Sometimes the chemicals used might cause irritation on some fibres.  Some small amounts of chemicals remain in the carpet after cleaning it and can cause irritation to children or pets who sit on it. Eco-friendly products are less likely to have this effect.

A vacuum cleaner is typically used to remove the moisture and cleaning compounds from the carpet as the cleaning progresses. Again, the amount of suction should be carefully regulated so it will suck out all the dirty water and help dry the carpet without being so strong it is likely to cause damage.  There are many points to consider when getting carpets cleaned either professionally or by yourself. If you follow the instructions on the carpet cleaning equipment and the cleaners, you should have a great deal of success and make your carpet look bright and new.

5 Common Office Building Fire Safety Violations

Fire Safety Violations

Small business fire safety and fire protection is something that should always be taken very seriously, but it perhaps isn’t. Often, things like fire safety get pushed to the backburner simply because business owners and managers have more important things – in their eyes at least – to do with their time.

Unfortunately, this leads to a wide range of fire safety violations. While the exact nature of these will vary according to the exact workplace fire safety laws in your state or territory, some of the most common fire safety violations include in Australian small businesses include:

  1. Using Poorly Maintained Fire Safety Gear

Fire safety equipment is essential when it comes to making sure that your small business is protected from fire. Things like fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and sprinkler systems are essential and are often required under Australian law.

However, a lot of people don’t realise that these fire protection systems need to be serviced and maintained regularly. Most fire extinguishers should be tested at least once every six months, while you should test your smoke detectors regularly and replace their batteries as needed. If you don’t keep your fire safety gear well-maintained, you could find yourself in violation of workplace safety laws.

  1. Not Containing Fuel Sources Properly

Potential fuel sources need to be contained in appropriate storage containers or areas to reduce the risk of fire. Things like flammable liquids or gases need to be held in fire resistant containers and isolated from potential ignition sources. Failing to do this can not only make your premises extremely unsafe but can also put you at serious risk of breaking the law.


Your Landscaping Needs

Landscaping Needs

In an age where technology is the rage, one of the simpler products is rolling on the lawn. But there is quite a bit of dedication and hard work that goes into producing a piece of roll-on lawn. If you like to learn how things are done, and to understand new things, visiting a turf farm might turn out to be an educational and enjoyable experience.

Types of Turf

Most of the turf farms in Western Australia grow quite a few different varieties of grass to suit the individual needs of both the people working in the landscaping business and the homeowner. Grass types like Matilda Soft Buffalo or Kikuyu can deliver results good enough to make even a fussy landscaper happy. Turf farms realise that variety is the key to making all their customers happy.

How is it Done?

The question is: how do turf farms make it all happen? Well, it’s not rocket science in its complexity but there are a few necessary steps. Not surprisingly, by mixing grass seeds and water and providing a lot of attention and love, the result is a satisfying product. By nurturing these different varieties of grass for one to three years, some specialised tools are then used to harvest the turf so that there is no damage to the root system. This is done by using a sharp blade, inserted below the roots so that a roll of lawn can be lifted.


How to Make Your Shed Match Your Home with Colorbond

Shed in Backyard

Not every suburban home has a shed in the backyard, but where this is possible, there are many advantages, from extra storage space for the lawnmower, kids’ bikes and golf clubs to a place to work from when you are doing DIY projects. You can even clean it up for a teen’s birthday party or make it into a playroom for the children.  You could sit there and do your own hobbies while they play.

But one thing you would probably be concerned about is what the shed looks like. If you have a house you are proud of, adding any kind of old shed will only devalue your property. That is why it is important to take care of the design and the materials used. Don’t find some cheap material that is already half-worn out for your shed. A new shed should be built with new materials so it looks spick and span, not like an old wreck.

If you have Colorbond roofing on your home, it is easy to build a shed to match by using the same material for the shed roof. In fact, Colorbond cladding can also be used too, either in the same colour or in one that matches the colour of the house walls. There are so many lovely colours to choose from in the Colorbond range that this will not be a difficult thing to do. Matching up the colours will unify the whole look of the home and shed.


Different Types of Fencing Needed For a New Block

Different Types of Fencing

Many people choose a new ground block to build their homes on for various reasons. It may seem cheaper to create your own home than to buy one already made, and you can design it to suit your lifestyle. However, there will be additional costs, and fencing is one of them.

Not everyone has handyman skills, so fencing contractors will need to put up the required fences. These will vary depending on the size of your land and what you intend to have on it. If you have pets, you must have a fence that will keep them in, particularly dogs; cats can usually jump over any kind of fence unless it is a high-security type.

Here are the different types of fences you may need.


The Best and Worst Carpet Piles to Clean

Carpet Cleaning

When it comes to carpet cleaning, according to the experts over at brilliance carpet cleaning Perth, there is more to consider than the material it is made from, although that, too, is important.  You might go for wool or a wool and nylon blend because wool tends to hide the dirt, and nylon offers ease of cleaning. Or you might choose all nylon because it is stain resistant and easy to clean, so your carpet cleaner will always do a good job. And some people simply choose a carpet based on the price and colour.

However, if you don’t choose a carpet based on your lifestyle requirements and to suit the traffic areas of your home, you may end up with a floor covering that is either difficult to clean or doesn’t last nearly as long as you expected. Or in the case of olefin, you might find all your best cleaning efforts are of no avail because it always wicks up more soil to the surface.


How to Choose Fencing to Suit Your Lifestyle

Choose Fencing

When it comes to the question of fencing for your block of land, it is important to choose a style to suit your lifestyle. While the choice may be somewhat restricted by council regulations, there is sure to be some kind of leeway to allow you to choose a fence that will suit both the property and your needs.

Before contacting fencing contractors, think about what you need that fence to do for you. Here are some suggestions: –

  • Provide security from break-ins
  • Keep children and pets inside
  • Match the style of your home
  • Be decorative enough to give street appeal on the front boundary
  • Provide privacy on the other boundaries
  • Keep foot traffic off the lawn
  • Designate areas for vehicle access
  • Enclose garden areas, especially vegetable gardens
  • Keep pets off certain sections
  • Simply mark the boundaries

Once you know what the fence is to do, you’ll have a better idea of the kind of fence that you need. For instance, if you want to keep pets off the vegetable garden, you’ll need to have wire netting that goes right into the ground so that dogs can’t dig a hole under it.  Cats are rather more difficult to contain since they can climb and jump over fences without much trouble. However, older cats or those that are overweight may be kept away by a netting fence.


10 Ways to Update Your Home Design

Kitchen Design

There is no doubt about it, and home design has improved exponentially over the last several years. This means that many homes built over a decade ago will be lagging behind not only in looks but also in efficiency and even in value if they have not been upgraded since then. This can be especially noted in the kitchen, which is the home hub and needs to be streamlined and efficient for today’s busy lifestyle.

If you are feeling irritated with your kitchen renovation where nothing seems to be in the right place, here are some tips from Kitchen Professionals to help you update it.

  • Replace that short, narrow splashback with one that reaches as high as possible for your particular design. It can be a decorative feature done with bespoke tiles, or choose the layout for the pattern and allow the colour to merge in with the rest of the walls.
  • If you have a landline phone nook in your kitchen, you’ll probably want to replace it with a mobile device charging station, like all the most modern kitchens have, with all the cords hidden away.


How a Pergola can be used with Shade Blades

Pergola with Shade Blades

When it comes to a pergola or patio, Iron Design Roofing is the expert on knowing how to use them to the best advantage. A pergola is a delightful addition to the home, increasing its value for relatively little cost. It can be used in many ways and positions to give residents a place to relax outside that has a little shelter when needed.

The addition of shade blades will increase the usage of this simple structure as they can provide shelter from light rain, hot sun and, to some extent, the wind. What exactly are shade blades? They are long, narrow blades installed on the roof of the pergola that can be opened or shut. When open, they let in more sun and facilitate the removal of hot air that may gather under the roof.

When shut, they keep out all the sun and any showers. The narrow channel running along the edge of the blade allows light rain to run off. However, should that shower turn heavy, the channel is not deep enough to take it away before it runs over, so shade blades don’t make the pergola completely weatherproof.


The Disadvantages and Advantages of Having a Pool

Swimming Pool

Many people would consider the biggest disadvantage of owning a pool to be the amount of cleaning necessary to ensure the water is safe to swim in. If you’ve been put off owning a pool for this reason, consider also getting one of the automatic pool cleaners available on the market today.

Having an automated cleaner can make a big difference in the amount of work required for pool maintenance. In fact, some can be set to come on automatically at a specific time so you don’t even have to worry about switching it on. You can set and forget that pool cleaner and in the morning your pool will be in excellent condition and ready for use.

Another disadvantage is the safety factor. While we often hear of drowning in the backyard pool, if you have the right kind of safety fence and gate, the danger is almost eliminated.  No little toddlers can reach up high enough to open the gate. And you can take your children to swimming lessons when they are quite small, to make it even safer.


Multi Head Split System vs. Single System Air Conditioner

Multi Head Split System

Statistics show that Australia in general has a love affair with air conditioners and why wouldn’t we when temperatures soar into the 40s and 50s Centigrade each summer? With this summer being the hottest for some time, many more people are turning to get advice from electricians such as Electrician Perth Experts and organizing the split system air conditioner to get a little coolness into their homes.

That brings up the question; which is better, a single split system or a multi head system? Since most people understand the single split system has one outside unit consisting of a compressor and fan, and one inside the head, usually up on the wall, let’s take a quick look at the multi head system.

The multi-head system, as its name suggests, has from 2 to 7 heads that can be on the wall or in other positions, but only one outside unit. This is a bigger, stronger compressor than the single system since it has to run more inside heads. For this reason, you can’t just add extra heads to your single system as it’s not strong enough to make them work.


Where to get the Best Home Renovation Advice

Home Renovation Advice

If you are looking for home renovation advice, there are many ways to get it. However, before you call in plumbers or electricians, you should first know what kind of renovation you want and your budget. An extensive home renovation and upgrade can cost quite a lot, while a smaller one is, naturally enough, more affordable. If you have to choose, pick the one that will enhance your lifestyle the most if you stay home for a few years.

If you want to renovate to sell, it’s wise not to go overboard with fancy additions that may increase the home’s cost further than others in the neighbourhood. For instance, if no other houses in your street have a pool, then adding one may not be in the best interests of the sale. Why? It limits the potential buyers to those who want a pool.


Machinery You May Need to Hire for Your Property Renovation

plant hire

Renovating a property is an exciting task as you work towards your long term goal and vision for a completely renovated home and property. In most cases, you will need to consider plant hire, unless you have more muscle than most builders and renovators. Plant and equipment hire will help you out considerably, doing all the hard work while you sit there and watch.

If your block is not dead level, you’ll probably need to level some areas off for paths, a new veranda or extension, the driveway, a rainwater tank, or landscaping. Even for a new fence, you may need a machine to dig the post holes. Here is a list of machinery for hire that you may want to consider.

  • Augers – these are used for drilling holes in the ground, so are useful for post holes for that new fence. Be sure you know where underground pipes and cables are before you start.


How to Make Your Landscaping Efforts Sustainable

Make Landscaping Efforts Sustainable

Landscaping will make your property look amazing and add value to your home. But it can cost a lot in terms of both finances and using up the earth’s resources. If you are into sustainability and want to be as eco friendly as possible with your garden design, here are some tips to help you.

  • Choose low maintenance plants. These are plants that don’t need a lot of water and that are also hardy when it comes to frosts, droughts, and hot weather. With a low maintenance garden, you won’t have to use up the earth’s water supply or watch your precious plants droop and die. It’s also a lot easy on you physically, as such plants are perennials that don’t need replacing every season.
  • Use a lot of organic mulch. This can prevent the garden soil from drying out and keep plant roots cool, which they love. Organic mulch comes from something that was once a plant, not from pebbles or rocks. Grass, leaves, straw, and even wood chips are organic mulch.


Home Renovations That Add Value Over the Years

Home Renovations

Some of the best home renovation advice is to avoid fads and go for classic renovations that won’t date. So how can you know what is a fad?  It is usually brightly coloured and jumps out at you. It doesn’t really add value to your lifestyle in any way and it fades in popularity after a few years. That said, the latter won’t help you if you’ve jumped in and included it in your design when it first came out.

However, you will be able to identify and remove it, then you’ll have learned to wait a while before doing the next thing. Here are some fads to avoid.

  • Brightly coloured walls or a feature wall that is too dazzling. Both make a space look smaller and because they are busy, they take away from the calm relaxation you should be able to feel when you walk into a room. There is nowhere to rest your eyes and hence, your brain, when the wallpaper jumps out at you or if a colourful feature wall is looming up from the end of the room. That’s not to say you can’t have a feature wall, but it should be done tastefully and in a colour that complements the rest of the room. Classic colours such as white and neutrals allow you to have fun with accent colours and they don’t go out of fashion.


9 Advantages of Shade Sails

Shade Sails

When you live in a hot, sunny environment, shade is an important factor in keeping cool. Being able to access shade is essential to stay healthy and preventing dehydration and sunburn. According to One Shade these days, shade sails are preferred in many applications to provide shade before greenery such as trees for many reasons.

  • Sails offer ‘clean’ shade. That is, they don’t drop leaves, sticks, or flowers over the shaded area. This is an important point if the sail is over the end of a swimming pool since no one wants their pool inundated by unwanted debris that can alter the pH of the water and send you scuttling for the pool scoop.
  • The shade provided by sails is even. Trees and other plants provide dappled shade, which means there are spots where the sun gets in. If you lay out in the dappled shade, you’ll get sunburned. Sail material does let through a small amount of sunlight, but it is more even and there is less likelihood of getting badly burned.


6 Eco Friendly Landscape Construction Trends

Eco Friendly Landscape

According to Lone Pine Landscapes traditional landscaping construction trends have not always been eco-friendly. For instance, lovely swathes of green lawns not only take a great deal of water to keep in shape, but it also takes a lot of fertilizer and in some cases pesticide to prevent insects from ruining the lawn. In addition, many of our gardening techniques and even some of the traditional plants are derived from Britain, where there is rarely a shortage of water; more like the opposite.

In Australia, the climate is hot and dry for the most part and so those landscaping techniques that require a lot of water are not suitable for our environment. Here are some eco-friendly trends to follow for those who want to add to the environment rather than take from it.

  • Look for a landscaping company that follows sustainable practices. They should replace poor soil with quality soil so your plants grow better without the need for chemical fertilizers that tend to push plants into making sappy growth that insect pests love and gardeners spray with pesticides, another poison.
  • Adding lots of organic matter to the soil not only gives plants essential and natural nutrients but also keeps weeds at bay and helps retain moisture. That’s three ticks for sustainability.
