10 Landscaping Tools Everyone Should Have

10 Landscaping Tools Everyone Should Have

There are many professions, pastimes, and hobbies where the tools and equipment used are as important as any skill or passion one has for them. This is particularly true of landscaping, where there are a number of tasks that would literally be impossible if it were not for the tools that are used to carry them out.

For those of you who might be new to landscaping, or if you simply want to make sure that you have all the recommended tools by professional landscapers needed for landscaping, here is a list of the 10 landscaping tools you should have.

#1 Wheelbarrow: Whether you are old or young, fit or have a body that seems to ache more and more these days, a wheelbarrow will be an essential aid for landscaping, especially when you need to move larger and heavier items from one part of your garden to another, including, ironically, your other tools.

#2 Digging Spade: Spades can come in several forms, but one which is going to be most helpful with regards to landscaping will be your digging spade. These are rectangular in shape, and the flat front edge is ideal for pushing deep into the soil if you can, try to find one which is made from stainless steel.

#3 Secateurs: As any gardener worth their salt will tell you, pruning back bushes, flowers, and shrubs that are overgrown or have an area that is dead and needs removing is an essential part of landscaping. Apart from keeping your garden tidy, it also allows these plants to grow afresh.

#4 Trowel: Getting down on your knees when you want to plant new ones will require you to dig and clear some soil for each seedling, seed, or bulb, and to do that, you will want a quality trowel to dig the necessary planting holes.

5: Watering Can/ Hose: Without water, your plants will die; therefore, a watering can, or a hose with a sprinkler attachment is necessary to give them just the right amount of water that they need to thrive is essential, especially in areas that receive little rain.

#6: Quality Garden Knife: There will be many tasks in your garden where pruners or other cutters will simply not, well, cut it. This is where having a quality knife with a sharp stainless steel blade will be invaluable. It can be used to help trim plants, cut fruit from trees and it can cut twine.

#7 Dibber: Although its name might be the crux of many jokes, gardeners in the know appreciate just how important a dibber is to their landscaping efforts. They make perfectly round planting holes for seeds and bulbs, and if you get one that has calibrated rings, you can make every hole the perfect size.

#8 Rake: Whether it is to remove leaves, grass cuttings, plant debris, or larger stones, there is only one tool that can do all of these, and that is the rake. You might choose to have two rakes, one which is for heavy-duty jobs and one which is for grass raking.

#9 Hoe: A tool that looks fairly basic but is so useful for landscapers wishing to remove weeds and other undesirables from their gardens. Hoes can come in various types and sizes, such as a fork hoe and a plain hoe.

#10 Gloves: Admittedly, gloves maybe not strictly speaking be a tool, but they are very important as they keep your hands safe from cuts and splinters and generally make working in your garden easier.

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